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How do you maintain a Chris Reeve Sebenza 21

Of all the pocket knives on the market the Chris Reeve Knives Sebenza is one of the most iconic. Sublime in terms of finish and technical ingenuity. In some ways an incredibly simple knife, in all its perfection. Maintaining the Sebenza, however, is slightly different from other pocket knives. We will tell you how to do it.

This video only applies to the Small Sebenza and the Large Sebenza. Both with and without inlays. And with all types of blades. For the other Chris Reeve Knives (Sebenza 25, Inkosi, Umnumzaan) maintenance is fairly similar to other pocket knives. The Mnandi is, in terms of shape, slightly different from the Sebenza, but technically follows the same principle.

Check out the video to see the order and working method.