Looking for a straight razor? The classic and stylish straight razors of yesteryear!
Straight razors are back! Take some time for yourself and spend it on a well-deserved shave with a straight razor. Allow the soap to foam, apply it with a brush and take your time while you enjoy an extensive shave.
25 Products
Böker Manufaktur Wilhelm 6/8“ Bog Oak 140162 Straight RazorIn stock
Böker Manufaktur Graf Engelbert II straight razor 140538In stock
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Böker Manufaktur Damascus Horn straight razor 140623DAMIn stock
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Böker Pro Barberette Olive 140906 shavette± 1 month
Rough Ryder Folding Razor Cinnamon Stag RR2159 Damascus straight razorNot available
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Böker Pro Barberette Black 140907 shavette± 1 month
Böker Manufaktur Blue Shell 140557 straight razor± 2 weeks
Böker Barberette Olive 140902 shavette± 2 weeks
Böker Manufaktur Ebony Damascus straight razor 140609DAM± 1 month
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